Monday, March 7, 2011

Boys of Summer...or Summer WITHOUT Boys!

so i know i know it is not summer yet but i am one of those poeple who always has there eye on the future so in my mind it is almost summer ok?? so anyway what is with summer sales serisously?! i remember a couple summers ago when this caught on(for those of you who are not familiar with summer sales it is when, mainly boys, go out to a different state for the summer and sale pest control, or security systems, or dish ect.) anyway when it caught on i thought it was going to be a trend for a summer or two and die down but just keeps getting more and more popluar!! WHAT IS THE DEAL!! here are some of my random thought on summer sales.

1. i think to do really well at summer sales you kinda have to be a lying douche bag(please excuse the language)
2.who am i suppose to date if all them men in provo are in a different state for 4 months???? boys going out could come back with less money than you started the summer with...have you ever considered that!
4. you boys who aren't lying douche bags but somehow manage to make a ton of money in the 4months you are gone come back livin the life of luxury then parade you freshly true religioned v-neck wearing prideful selves around the streets of provo thinkin you are the coolest thing to come to this tiny city!!(ok maybe i am going overboard but the is the stereotype so just go with it for entertainments sake)
1. All you boys who do go out and make bank come back and take me on some seriously amazing dates
2. you go really cool places and let me come stay with you during the vacation YEAH!!!
3....well i actutally dont have a 3
4.i do have a 4!! those of you that make a ton of money and come back and blow it on motorcycles and bullet bikes can take me on rides!(dont worry i always return the favor somehow...and no that it not dirty!)
so anyway i am all for summer sales dont get me wrong if i could go out and make 40,000 dollars heck even 10,000 in 4 months then just go to class the rest of the year i totally would! all i am saying is what are us girls suppose to do while all of you good looking young men go away for the is like having to wait for you to get home from missions all over again...totally sucks!

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